On the way to coffee morning

Created by jackie stephens 9 years ago
Joan had made an Easter Bonnet and we were on our way to our weekly ladies meeting for the hat parade. She was stopped at the usual place for speeding. Only a little over the limit but the big burly policeman had a rookie girl with him and he wanted to show off and give us a hard time. He asked Joan the usual questions, then asked for her fathers name. She said "why do you need that" he answered "in case you do not pay the fine". She responded by saying "what you gonna do, dig him up?" So she told him it was "Fred" and her mothers name was "Wilma". We were in fits of laughter but the police didn't think there was anything funny about the situation. In fact if it hadn't been 10 am I think they would have thought we were drunk. This is just one of the stories I could tell about dear Joan she was a delight to be with, we laughed a lot. I loved her and the world is a sadder place without her. RIP Joan Jenkinson